Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Julia is observant - as usual!

this blog is an off-spring of
 Hi guys, Julia here!  And special hellos to you in the dear old UK and the splendid USof A - especially if you're way up in Alaska!    Well yes here's the result of one of my recent observations!   It concerns that really brilliant and remarkable laundry product Vanish NapiSan, Oxi Action.   If you use it BEWARE the next time you buy a container!   You see it's that neat little lid which serves also as a cover and a container for the powder.   The underneath side of the lid has a rim which holds the powder ready for pouring into our machines, which says add a lid to every wash - yes a why not?   but compare it to the to the pot of powder  you've just finished.   The depth of the rim of my previous one is a neat two and a half centimeters deep.   On the new one I thought  it looked different.   Yes I was right! that rim  has been increased to three and a half centimeters.   (In inches:  almost an inch to almost one and a half inches!!! )  I consider this a sneaky way to make us all use more of the product,  and consequently make us buy our next supply sooner.  So it's a decided covered up price rise.   Hold on to your old lid!      The company would come up with some silly excuse like  'we find the new ones far easier for you to use - you'll spill less! Rubbish!!!!  However, I'm just thinking that maybe you're getting the impression that I'm, nothing but a grumbler - no way  - but things like this do make me cross, and in most cases emails, or even real snail mail letters to companies,  all get binned,   Pity.   Yes we all get too may emails ... but....   See you again soon!

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