Friday, June 13, 2014

Julia's got to Chapter one-hundred!

Hi gals and guys! Yes that's true, mind you  quite a few of the chapters are pretty short and I must add that the end of the tunnel  is now clearly in view !   So what's this all about? you ask quite rightly.   You see, for a fairly long time  I have been writing a Family Saga.   It is faction but there's masses of  real family history in it.  I can only  write it at times when I am not working on  things like our recent dailies and other regular work,or any new commission that comes along. Hence that's why it is having a long 'birth'!   ' I know so much about a branch of my mother's family who emigrated to Sydney, arriving on Boxing Day 1882.   They were successful builders in Plymouth UK, and decided to come to Australia to make their fortunes - which they did!   They  settled first in Park Street Sydney then on the North Shore; and when Derek and I were house hunting to come here to live,  we looked at a house in Ernest Street; but it had just been sold- I didn't know at the time that not one, but two members of my family lived in that Street!   My story has a lot of characters and story lines but I don't think it's bitty!   I am covering one decade and it ends in 1892.  I think there is something for everyone in it which will appeal to gals and to you guys!   So much is factual - like the wife of one of the two couples who was a very talented dressmaker who hits the realms  of society fashion, their building projects and many of the people whose paths they crossed and with whom they worked and had relationships.. .   I have a young heroine who was my great Aunt, and  in one of her letters to my aunt in the UK asks after me and my brother. She's a real feisty lass who doesn't miss a thing!   She's a talented artist and also works with her sister-in-law in the fashion company. The men of the family are clever and they eventually team up with extremely successful businessmen in Melbourne.    There's the odd tragedy, and the book  will be the first of  three, which will take us via the twenties two World Wars and. . . ? . . Well we'll see!  Oh yes, gals,I do have the odd gorgeous  hunk or two.  My characters range in age from birth to one or two real 'olds' in their late eighties!!!   The Saga will be called 'Coming South'.  I'll keep you Blogged!    Cheers -  now back to Christmas 1889!  always - Julia!

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