Sorry to hear of the death of Tony Benn,
otherwise Anthony Wedgwood Benn, who many years ago gave up his inherited title
(he was Viscount Stansgate) in order to become a member of the House of
Commons. He was of course regarded by a large proportion of the press as a
dangerous Red, and commonly ridiculed by the right-wing press In fact, he was that rarest of all things, an honest politician. His honesty was
transparent, and ordinary people recognised that: he was for some time the most
popular politician in Britain. He always seemed to me
to be about the only genuine Socialist in the house of Commons, both in the
Governments in which he served and when in opposition – and he continued to impress in the years
after leaving active politics. He was a real old-fashion Socialist in the mould
of the 1930s and earlier, and it was always refreshing to hear him speak and to
note his reactions to contemporary politics, especially when the Labour Party
turned into a very mildly left-wing imitation of the Tory Party, its sense of moral
purpose weakened to a point at which it more or less ceased to exist. Benn was
probably little known outside England – goodness knows what they would have
thought of him in America, where he
would certainly have been regarded as a tool of the Kremlin. He was never that: He was also a fine speaker and writer, and an
extremely nice man.
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