Hi blogger fans! I see Derek's been holding the fort for several days so I have obviously been neglecting you - sorry about that. Also he has told you of some of our happenings butI must add that the stunning Russell Drysdale exhibition here in Sotheby's Sydney's really is quite amazing. All these paintings are in private collections so getting them together was quite some task. I was specially impressed by his basic use of red paint, and how so many of the landscapes paintings have a surreal quality. . .However I'm treading on D's territory.
We celebrated Commonwealth Day in great style,at a formal luncheon in the New South Wales Parliament House. A Scottish Pipe band entertained from the courtyard before the important guests arrived, including of course, the wonderful lady, Dame Marie Bashir and Sir Richard her husband. She being the Governor of N.S.W and is much loved. She really is remarkable and so genuinely interested in everything. (We quite often chat to her as we use the same supermarket)! As we entered the dining room some 57 senior school students were lined up holding the banners of all the nations of the Commonwealth, and during the event various prizes and awards were presented. We are members of the Royal. Overseas League and support their various projects - including very worthwhile world wide competitions for young musicians.. They,with other like minded organisations arrange the luncheon, so there is always a good mix of people attending. It was interesting, enjoyable and the food and wines were pretty good too.
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