Qualities of the Sign
Leo Is the onely house of the Sun,
by nature Fiery, Hot, Dry, Cholericke, Diurnal, Commanding, Bestial, Barren, of
the East, and Fiery Triplicity, Masculine.
Diseases All sicknesses in the ribs and sides, as
Pluricies, Convulsions, paines in the backe, trembling or passion of the heart,
violent burning feavers, all weaknesse or diseases in the heart, sore eyes, the
Plague, the Pestilence, the yellow-Jaundice.
Places Leo Signifieth A place where wilde Beasts frequent, Woods,
Forrests, Desert places, steep rocky places, unacceptable places, Kings
Palaces, Castles, Forts, Parks, in houses where fire is kept, neer a Chimney.
Shape and Description Great round Head, big Eyes starting or
staring out, or goggle-eyes, quick-sighted, a full and large body and it more
then of middle stature, broad Shoulders, narrow Sides, yellow or darke flaxen
haire and it much curling or turning up, a fierce Countenance, but ruddy, high
sanguine complexion, strong, valiant and active.
Kingdoms, Countries
and Cities subject to Leo Italy,
Bohemia, the Alpes, Turkie, Sicilia. Apulia, Rome,Syracuse, Cremona, Ravenna.
Damascus, Prague, Lintz, Bristol.
Lilly, Christian Astrology (1647)
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