Qualities of the sign
Scorpio Is a cold, watery,
nocturnal, phlegmatic, feminine Signe, of the watery triplicity, fixed and
North, the house and joy of Mars, feminine; usually it doth represent subtill,
deceitfull men.
Diseases Gravell, the Stone in the Secret parts,
Bladder, Ruptures, Fistulas, or the Pyles in Ano, Gonorrhea’s, Priapismes, all afflicting the Privy parts either
in man or woman; defects in the Matrix.
Places Scorpio
Signifieth Places where all sorts of
creeping Beasts are, as Beetles, &c., or such as be without wings, and are
poysonous; Gardens, Orchards, Vineyards, ruinous houses neer Water; muddy,
moorish Grounds, stinking Lakes, Quagmires, Sinks, the Kitchin or Larder,
Forme and Description A corpulemt, strong, able Body, somewhat a
broad or square Face, a dusky muddy Complexion, and sad, dark Haire, much and
crisping; an hairy Body, somewhat bow-legged; short necked, a squat, well
trussed Fellow.
Kingdoms, Countries
and Cities subject to Scorpio North
part of Bavaria, the Wooddy part of Norway, Barbary, the ingdome of Fez,
Catalonia in Spaine, Valentia, Urbine in Italy, Vienna, Messina in Italy,
Gaunt, Frankfurt-upon-Odar.
Lilly, Christian Astrology (1647)
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