Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mr Lilly on PISCES

Qualities of the Signe Pisces   Is of the watery Triplicity, Northern, cold Signe, moyst, Flegmatick, feminine, nocturnal, the house of Jupiter. and exaltation of Venus, a Bycorporeal, common or double-bodies Signe, an idle, effeminate, sickly Signe, or representing a party of no action.
Sicknesse   All Diseases in the Feet, as the Gout, and all Lamenesse and Aches incident to those members, and so generally salt Flegms, Scabs, Itch, Botches, Breakings out, Boyles and Ulcers proceeding from Blood putrifacted, Colds and moyst diseases.
Places   It presents Grounds full of water, or where many Springs and much Fowle are, also Fish-ponds or Rivers full of Fish, places where Hermitages are, also Fish-ponds or Rivers full of Fish, places where Hermitages have been, Mats about Houses, Water-Mills in houses neer the water, as to some Well or Pump, or where water stands.
Corporature   A short stature, ill composed, not very decent, a good large Face, palish Complexion, the Body fleshy or swelling, not very straight, but incurvating somewhat with the Head.
Kingdomes, Countries, Cities   Calabria in Sicilia, Portugall, Normany, North of Egypt, Alexandria, Themes, Wormes, Ratisbone, Compostella.

-          William Lilly, Christian Astrology (1647)

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